7 Facts about Soccer You May Not Know

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1) A soccer ball is not spherical. The ball is actually oval-shaped but the pattern on the ball makes it appear perfectly round.

2) Americans are commonly mocked by other countries for calling the sport “soccer” instead of football. However, the original name of the sport is “basket-ball”. This is because originally soccer goals were simply wicker baskets.

3) While most athletes are paid by games or seasons, soccer players in America during the early 1920’s were paid by goal. Thirty-five centers per goal to be exact.

4) Queen Elizabeth II often disguised herself during her teen years so she could play pickup soccer games. She was considered a great athlete and often competed just outside Buckingham Palace.

5) Despite being one of soccer’s powerhouses today, Germany was prohibited from participating in the 1950 World Cup. This was due to their aggressive war tac7 Facts about Soccer You May Not Knowtics during World War II.

6) All soccer fans are aware of red and yellow cards, but did you know there used to be a teal card? This card was used during 1994 to 1998 in the English Premier League for plays that were to be reviewed via instant replay.

7) While the Jules Rimet Trophy, more commonly known as the World Cup, was on display in Westminster, London it was stolen. The trophy was found several days later by David Corbett and his dog Pickles.


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